The Nature


Fulufjällets Nationalpark is an almost untouched natural area in the southern part of the mountain range. Many choose to visit Njupeskär's waterfall, one of the highest in Sweden with its 93 meters.
The mountain rises like a plateau in the landscape, with steep sides and flat at the top. Up here, no reindeer graze. Therefore, the mountain heath is covered by thick lichen mats.

Njupeskärs waterfall is one of the highest in Sweden with its 93 meters and has a free fall height of 70 meters. For millennia, the water has carved out a large gorge. Most visitors come here. At the top of the case you have a fantastic view of the gorge and the landscape.
The national park was inaugurated in 2002. The area is 38,500 hectares (385 square kilometers), of which two thirds are bare mountain and mountain heath.

Moore information about the National park

Incredibly exciting information about the national park can be found on their website.


Njupeskär's waterfall is 93 meters and one of Sweden's highest. The water falls completely free 70 meters. In the rapids fog next to the fall there are many unusual mosses, lichens and vascular plants. Several of them require constant moisture to survive.

The deep groove that has cut into the sandstone layers at the waterfall is a school example of backward erosion. A few days around midsummer (at the summer solstice), the sunlight seeks its way all the way to the waterfall and gives it a magical silver light. But this only happens early in the morning between 03.00-05.00.

Old Tjikko

Old Tjikko is a spruce that has grown in the same place for 9,550 years.
The spruce can multiply and survive by shooting new root shoots and this is how this spruce has survived since it took root on Fulufjället shortly after the last ice age. During cold periods, the spruce has grown more like a bush and when the climate has been more favorable, it has looked like a tree.


On the mountain there is a ring of stones called the Altar Ring. There are theories that it has been a Sami place of worship. But probably the rock formation was used for falconry. Most sought after was the light variety of peregrine falcon. Once a year, in mid-July, a service is held here.

Those who walk the hiking trail Tangsjöleden (22.5 km) can make a detour towards the altar ring (4 km).


Fulufallen is not located in the national park, but is a strawberry place that not many people know. Easily accessible just 1.7 km from the car park. On a stretch of 400m, no less than 8 rapids and waterfalls await you with a total fall height of 80m. Almost the same difference as Njupekär's waterfall. Here, timber was floated in the old days.

Göljån och regnkatastrofen 1997

The worst rainstorm in the area in a thousand years pulled in over Fulufjället in 1997. Lightning struck Fulufjället more than 700 times! There was so much rain that night that large boulders came loose from the mountain. Göljån was only a few meters wide but suddenly it received a water flow corresponding to the Dalälven outlet at Älvkarleby.

The rushing water dragged rocks, sand and gravel with it and felled trees on its way. Sometimes the trees lay across and dammed up the water, but soon the water burst the dam and a big tidal wave swept on. Some trees have fallen several meters above the ground when the big wave came.

Today it is possible to visit Göljån and see the traces of the storm. But now flowers, mosses and lichens are growing on the piles of gravel that were thrown up.

The trail that goes through Göljådalen is sometimes very difficult to walk, and is best suited for the accustomed hiker. (there is a book in swedish about the rain disaster to borrow in the reception)